Trish Barton Psychotherapy

My Qualifications. UKCP

About me


Trish Barton M.A., Dip. H.I. Psych., Cert. Ed., Cert. Psychosexual Studies (Tavistock)


I am a qualified psychotherapist (UKCP registered and a member of BACP). I trained with Bath Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling (bcpc) and also completed a Masters degree in Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy with Middlesex University.

I have completed further specialised training at the Tavistock in London to support my work with couples and have a Certificate in Psychosexual Studies.

I describe myself as a Humanistic and Integrative psychotherapist. This means that I integrate theories and practice from two schools of thought.

From the humanistic I work with the conviction that people are naturally healthy if given the right conditions. I believe that we all have the potential to lead happy and fulfilling lives.

From the psychoanalytic, I take a concern with human development and the childhood patterns that affect us in the present. Maybe a pattern you developed as a child is no longer relevant today but is adversely affecting your adult relationships.


My interest in Systemic & Family Constellations work led to me attending further training in Austria with Bert Hellinger. Sometimes difficulties we are experiencing in the present can begin to make more sense when we look through a trans-generational lens. A way of bringing hidden family dynamics into the light is for us to draw up a genosociogram together of your family, an 'emotional' family tree. Sometimes clients who are in therapy with me have done this but it is also possible to do some constellations work with me, maybe one or two sessions, without being in therapy.

My Qualifications. littleflower

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